Behind Closed Doors

In the Room with Reagan & Nixon

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In Behind Closed Doors: In the Room with Reagan & Nixon, the White House is revealed like never before. Ken Khachigian—trusted adviser and speechwriter to presidential giants Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon—brings readers behind the scenes as his bosses navigated crises, confronted opponents, and staked their legacies.

This intimate, riveting book takes you inside the Oval Office, Air Force One, Camp David and the Western White House as Khachigian opens his diaries, secret memos, and contemporaneous notes to share untold history.

Get the insider’s view of the West Wing on the day Richard Nixon resigned, then go to Nixon’s San Clemente home as the former president worked to rebuild his shattered reputation. Witness as Nancy Reagan emerges as critical partner, and even fierce challenger, to her husband. And learn of Nixon’s secret advice to Reagan, of Reagan’s preparation to meet with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and the first-ever account of the exchange at Reagan’s and Nixon’s private meeting when both were former presidents.

It’s a fascinating glimpse behind secretive oaken doors and Pennsylvania Avenue’s iron gates.

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Praise for Ken and Behind Closed Doors

“Ken Khachigian has written the most lucid, most important work about the postwar period. For an inside look at how ugly politics can be—and how noble—you cannot miss this book. I still love Ken after fifty years and you will, too, when you read this jewel of a memoir.”
— Ben Stein, Economist, law professor, multi-Emmy awarded actor, speechwriter for Presidents Nixon and Ford, novelist, and screenwriter

“This is essential reading for anyone wanting to know how Ronald Reagan shaped his crusading message of economic growth through tax cuts and limited government. Khachigian’s is a fascinating account by one who takes you into the rooms where the decisions were made.”
— Larry Kudlow, Host of Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” and Former Director, National Economic Council

“Ken Khachigian is a great conservative and patriot, and his book will give you the inside view of a presidency that will go down in history as one of greatness and strength.”
— Ed Rollins, Ronald Reagan’s White House Political Director

“Ken Khachigian offers a riveting account of his thrilling journey through American history at the sides of two monumental Presidents. If you care about where America has been, and where it’s going, this is a must-read!”
— Monica Crowley, Ph.D., Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, News Analyst and Bestselling Author

“Ken Khachigian will draw you inside a generation of White House leadership and details how Reagan revived the American economy and lit a prairie fire of patriotism across America.”
— K.T. McFarland, American political candidate, former government official, and political commentator

Pat Buchanon

“To understand Nixon and Reagan, the two crucial Presidents and coalition builders of the last third of the 20th century, the insights of Ken Khachigian, the confidant who advised them both, seem indispensable.”